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Addiction and support resources (a brief guide; there are many resources and if you require additional assistance and/or support please feel free to contact Barbara at


South African Depression and Anxiety Group


South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Cocaine Anonymous (CA)

Co-Anon  (CA)

Gamblers Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous


spuport for family and friends battling the disease of alcoholism


"support for peer support group for teens whose lives have been affected by someone else’s problem drinking"

Co-Anon  (CA)

support for family and friends battling the disease of addiction

CODA (Co-Dependent Anonymous)

support for those struggling with co-dependency


support for family and friends of loved ones battling the disease of gambling addiction

Narcotics Anonymous

support for family and friends of loved ones battling the disease of addiction battling the sisease of addiction

Changes Addiction Rehab

Turning Point Substance Abuse Treatment Centre

The Bridge Recovery House

Cambridge House

uTurn Halfway and Sober Living

For Teenagers battling substance abuse problems and/or trauma

Addiction Support 

Support for family and friends

Rehabilitation Centres & Halfway Houses

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